Friday, November 9, 2007

Week 10 Blog - Guidelines For Website

I have read about guidelines for Website.

In this website, it states a lot of rules covering text, links, image, technical, misc.
I list out some of important point as the following:


title tag: it is crucial and most important factors in determing search-engine placement. It is similar alt tag in the image but title tag is in the text.
header tag: this is crucial for high rankings in search engines


New page open with the same window: do not use the pop up window. It is so annoying.
Valid link: make sure that all of the link are still work.


alt text: allow provide a text equivalent for the image
properly sized image: do not use smaller or larger size. It will reduce the loading time and look blurry.


Valid the XHTML and CSS: the website is under the web standard
Correct character endoing: make sure all the text is readable


Cross-browser compatibility: the layout is same in different browser
No flash: the loading is too slow

~Hope All of You Enjoy My Sharing~

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